
Less Costly IVF Can be Yours!

Dec 21, 2023
Less Costly IVF Can be Yours!
Posted By Andrew Coutts

I am looking forward to sharing details of some great offers and discounts provided by some of the leading IVF clinics around the world during my IVF Travels patient event between February 8 – 11, 2023.

The event has been made possible with the help of several partners.

The first, NOW-fertility, is a groundbreaking next-generation IVF service that offers virtual consultations with physicians, fertility nurses, and care coordinators.

There is no need to travel to a traditional clinic; you choose the date and time of consultations to suit you and your partner, and the NOW-fertility multi-lingual team means you even choose the language you prefer.

NOW-fertility works in partnership with a global network of Centres of Excellence – IVF clinics worldwide with consistently high success rates, quality measures, experienced staff, and state-of-the-art facilities. Current centers are based in Greece, Italy, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

The Centers of Excellence can offer the range of treatments you would expect in high-quality facilities at very competitive prices, even when you factor in travel and accommodation costs. I am very pleased to share the news that NOW-fertility is offering free online medical consultations with renowned physicians following your initial meeting with me in February and are offering the support of their nursing and care teams to help with the logistics of travel if you choose to access one of their centers of excellence.

You can find out more about this innovative service at www.now-fertility.com.

The IVF Travels event will be held between February 8 – 11.

Face-to-face consultations will take place at the Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness, 16 East, 40th Street, New York, and online slots are also available. The sessions will run from 10 am through to 8 pm.

Book your free one-hour consultation via andrew@internalfertilitycompany.com

This event is being hosted by a wonderful fertility consultant from England.

I hope you can take advantage of this amazing opportunity!